Home Änywhere
Cream winner 2020.
Made together with Sabrina Dinh.
How can IKEA create a better everyday life, also for those
without a classical home?
Brief// Take new action ( red. COVID-19) and turn into new hope.
Background// COVID-19 turned everything upside down in a second. And while we all tried our best to adapt to the new normal, some were left behind. The homeless struggled more than ever before, both with less donation due to lockdown and the lack of accessibility to clean hands, masks etc.
Idea// One of many new actions we did during the pandemic, was setting up acrylic glass all places where we had face to face contact (coffeeshops, supermarkets and so on).
We took this new action and turned into new hope with an invention for IKEA. A shelter made from recycled acrylic glass.
B2B communication on LinkedIn
To get acrylic glass donation, IKEA will target business owners on LinkedIn.