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A plastic free chewing gum brand

I’ve created a plastic-free chewing gum brand that celebrates the activistic super generation - Gen Z - for all the acts they do in order to fix the climate crisis. They are willing to change everyday stuff that previous generations weren’t willing to do. But it’s not all big sacrifices, there are also some small actions you can do that will still have an enormous impact.

Like taking the 560,000 tons of chewing gum there’s sold per year worldwide, and switch it out with plastic free gum.


You know that urge to smack your gum? To blow bubbles and then make a loud popping sound? We took that and combined it with out brand DNA – a strong belief in small acts matters.
Okay let’s do the copy-math. Smacking your gum + small acts = one Awesome brand name!

The name

Brand mission

Sm’acts believe that small actions can make an enormous  impact. That one small action lead to another and that we don’t have to wait for politicians or other decision makers to save our future – we want to empower the next generation to take their future in their own hands and get started.

Tone of voice

Our tone of voice is a combination of Playful Child and Simplifier.
Giving it an uplifting positive vibe, momentum, rhythm and a sense of moving forward. 

Our target group are well aware of the crisis we stand knee deep in and they are frustrated that the decision makers, politicians and big CEO’s are scared to change the way we do things. They can feel hopeless and anxious over the world they are inheriting. That’s why we are positive, encouraging and educational. Celebrating small acts through time, inspiring you to make some yourself and cheering for you to keep going strong.

Copy on packaging


Product extension

Our nicotine gum is landing in the stores in January, to help you with the OG New Year’s resolution - to quit smoking.


Brand initiatives

Small talk groups, to help Gen Z cope with climate anxiety and depression. It’s a lot to deal with, when politicians and big companies aren’t doing the big acts.