
Mainstream Menopause

Mainstream Menopause

by Refinery29 & Netflix


New Blood winner 2021. Graphite.

How can Refinery29 break the taboo and
inaccurate myths about menopause?

Background: Knowledge and understanding of menopause remains incredibly low. The few times menopause is portrayed in mainstream media, it’s reduced to stereotypes of ages, people or symptoms. On top of that there’s a social stigma around menopause that makes it hard to talk about.

We like to talk about movies and series we’ve seen, with friends and family members.

What if we could break the stigma around menopause, by making it a part of mainstream media?

Mainstream Menopause is a series of new scenes within Netflix’s original content. The scripts for the scenes are based on Refinery29 reader’s stories from their menopause, ensuring that we get a nuanced and real picture of what menopause can be.


Hints on SoMe

Releases of new episodes

Based on real women’s experiences with menopause.